Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Road to Justice Society Rebirth: What We Know So Far, Week 02 (Spoilers Ahead)

We are finally halfway through "The Button" story arc with this week's The Flash #21, and plenty of exciting things happen in this week's second instalment that are definitely worth paying the $3.99 cover price for. I won't spoil everything that happens in this week's second instalment, but I do want to talk about what this week's reveals (coupled with past reveals) might mean for the Justice Society's Rebirth. Perhaps we may even see a Rebirth of the pre-Crisis Earth-2 since the original pre-Crisis multiverse is now being teased across various Rebirth books. Really exciting stuff, I can barely contain myself!

And of course, this wouldn't be a Helena Wayne Huntress blog if we didn't spend the rest of the post speculating what this week's reveals might mean for our favourite crossbow-wielding Dark Knight Daughter! Let's get right to it! And oh yes! There are spoilers ahead! Stop here now if you haven't been reading "The Button" or any of the Rebirth comics, and would like the chance to catch up before reading any of my wild theories on what I think is going on. Your call!

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Road to Justice Society Rebirth: What We Know So Far, Week 01 (Spoilers Ahead)

It's a really exciting time to be a DC Comics fan right now, and this year is proving to be a really exciting year for Rebirth. While we still don't know the status quo of the classic Justice Society (or that of many other pre-Crisis Earth-2 characters for that matter), we've already had at least five of them confirmed as returning, and we've even gotten teases of ones that we can potentially see in the future.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Huntress and Power Girl in Rebirth: What Ingredients are Needed to Make a New Worlds' Finest Series Successful?

It's Easter Sunday, and for those who celebrate, Happy Easter! For those who don't, Happy Sunday and I hope you're making the most of your weekend.

I've been thinking about this for a while, and like everyone else waiting to hear anything about Justice Society Rebirth other than "wait and see," I've been doing a lot of speculating on how to bring back the classic Helena Wayne Huntress with Justice Society Rebirth and who would be the character to do it.

Saturday, 1 April 2017

The Best of the Huntress: Wonder Woman #303 Review

Title: Wonder Woman #303
Story: Undertakings
Characters: Huntress (Helena Wayne), Harry Sims, Pat Pending, The Undertaker
Creators: Joey Cavalieri (writer), Mike De Carlo (artist)
Publication Date: May 1983
Available In: Unavailable :(

Summary: News of the Huntress allegedly killing a bank robber has spread like wildfire throughout the mainstream media, and Harry Sims once again castigates his girlfriend on how she handled a dangerous criminal irresponsibly. Fed up with her boyfriend's rebukes, Helena Wayne fires back at him by pointing out how he's losing perspective on a case where evidence of her involvement in the criminal's death is faulty at best.