Laurel, Diane, and Ashford are counting you down to the New Year. 2021, everyone! The trio put together their Justice Society of America Dream Team! A World On Fire promo about the All Star Squadron is included as well.
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
PATREON | Wonder Woman 1984 Review
Friday, 25 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 25 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @MWDanvers questions:
1. If Helena wasn't part of the JSA or Infinity Inc what team do you think she would be on?
2. With Helena's biggest relationship being with Kara would you have her come out as queer?
3. If she got a new comic what creators would you have?
4. Is there anything from the Paul Levitz or Joey Cavalieri runs that you wish the creators could’ve went into more detail?
5. Would Helena work in more magical/cosmic stories or does she just work at street level.
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 23 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @HolyGothamite's question:
'Besides the B.O.P., what other characters would you like to see team up with (Bertinelli) in a miniseries? Besides Power Girl, who would make a great partner for Helena Wayne?'
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 22 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @disblueskies question:
'I don't know much about the Huntress but I'm curious so I wanna ask, best Huntress books that you read and why you think it's the best?? It can be a solo or a group. And either Helena Wayne or Helena Bertinelli. Or both.'
Friday, 18 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 18 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @Laith_DC_Heroes' question:
'Which members of the Earth-0 Birds of Prey will Helena Wayne be friends with and why?'
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 17 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @addison_hl222's question:
'How would you feel if DC combined the best elements of Helena Wayne and Helena Bertinelli to create a singular version of Huntress to exist in the main continuity (or prime earth)? I myself don't know if I'd like that or not.'
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Crisis On Infinite Earths #1 Review
Story: Crisis On Infinite Earths
Characters: Huntress (Helena Wayne), Power Girl (Kara Zor-L), Fury (Lyta Trevor), Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Flash (Jay Garrick), Wildcat (Ted Grant), Obsidian (Todd Rice), Jade (Jennifer-Lynn Hayden), Shiera Hall (Hawkwoman)
Creators: Steve Orlando (writer), Mike Perkins (artist)
Publication Date: 15 December 2020
Available In: Print | Digital
Summary: Welcome to a universe where the events of Crisis on Infinite Earths resulted in the destruction of the infinite multiverse, but instead of a New Earth being forged with Earth-1 as the base template, Earth-2 takes on this role. No longer acknowledged by history, the Justice League of America put up a fight against the infant Earth's newest threat, Surtur, but they are no match for the fiery giant who quickly disposes them. Now standing up in defence of their new Earth, the Justice Society of America joins forces with Infinity Inc, the Seven Soldiers of Victory, and the Freedom Fighters as the new All-Star Squadron to take down the fiery giant once and for all. But do they have the strength and power to do so without any casualties of their own? Welcome to the Dark Multiverse, where familiar events from the multiverse above top take a sharp turn for the worst in the multiverse below!
Monday, 14 December 2020
Earth-2 Takes Centre Stage In Tomorrow's Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Crisis On Infinite Earths #1!
Sunday, 13 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 13 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @Danlikecomics' question:
'How would you feel if they brought Helena Wayne into the main dc universe with time travel like at Marvel with Cable being around the X-men & his mum & dad Jean & Cyclops.'
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 09 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @randykh172's question:
'How do you think Helena Wayne handled her last few hours in Crisis when she found out she didn’t exist anymore? The authors wrote her as a traumatised wreck but she was always written as one of the most level-headed and calm super-heroine in the DC universe.'
Monday, 7 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 07 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @KryptonsArchive question:
'What do you think should be Helena Wayne's role at DC right now? Which direction do you think DC needs to go with her character on this continuity considering we haven't really seen much of her lately.'
Friday, 4 December 2020
Countdown to 2021: Huntress Q&A 04 December 2020
Ashford and Diane discuss @tsukiakari1203's question:
'Why do you think DC treats the two Huntresses as interchangeable? They are so different from each other.'
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Goodbye 2020! The End Of A Bad Start To A New Decade