Monday, 1 January 2018

I Can't Buy Huntress: Dark Knight Daughter In Print. How Do I Buy It Digitally?

Hello! Happy New Year! "happy" as it can it get under current circumstances that is. I completely understand if many are still feeling like Dr. Manhattan on Mars. I'm personally still on that boat myself. However! I do want to keep sharing my favourite Helena Wayne Huntress stories with all of you. One of the things that did make me happy last year was celebrating Helena's 40th anniversary and it was certainly fun examining the character's entire publication history.

Personally, I still think the Bronze Age is the character's true Golden Age. However, I am also aware that many of the trades that reprinted those stories in the last decade aren't still in circulation, at least not in print. At this point, you can only buy them from other sellers, and they don't exactly sell trades like Huntress: Dark Knight Daughter for cheap cause they know the value of the character (especially now). The majority of Helena's Bronze Age stories, however, are available for digital purchase either as individual issues or the trades themselves.

For my first post of 2018, I will provide the Comixology links to her stories reprinted in the Huntress: Dark Knight Daughter trade in the same order as the trade. Unfortunately, unlike her Justice League and Justice Society appearances, not all of her solo stories are available yet for digital purchase. However, when they do become available, those chapters will be updated with Comixology links. Fortunately, 10 out of 25 of those solo stories collected in the trade are available now and at reasonable prices ranging from $0.99 to $1.99, so it's a start. At least Helena's Bronze Age origin story is available now, and that is her most important story in the trade.

Having said all this, let's get started!

1. DC Super-Stars #17
2. Batman Family #18
3. Batman Family #19
4. Batman Family #20
5. Wonder Woman #271
6. Wonder Woman #272
7. Wonder Woman #273
8. Wonder Woman #274
9. Wonder Woman #275
10. Wonder Woman #276
11. Wonder Woman #277
12. Wonder Woman #278
13. Wonder Woman #279
14. Wonder Woman #280
15. Wonder Woman #281
16. Wonder Woman #282
17. Wonder Woman #283
18. Wonder Woman #284
19. Wonder Woman #285
20. Wonder Woman #286
21. Wonder Woman #287
22. Wonder Woman #289
23. Wonder Woman #290
24. Wonder Woman #294
25. Wonder Woman #295

Of course, I do still recommend buying the Huntress: Dark Knight Daughter trade if you happen to get lucky and find it for a good price. Trust me, it's worth it!

And, of course, don't forget to check out my list of pre-Crisis Huntress comics you can buy on Comixology for the rest of her Bronze Age stories!

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